Our technology

Threats against communities and infrastructure come in many different forms. By gaining insights from mobile networks, we give the investigating authorities the upper hand in every scenario.
Withstanding crime and violence
Contraband phones, encrypted communication apps and detonators attached to mobile phones are just some examples: Mobile devices are at the core of almost every act of crime.
Authorities can leverage mobile networks to investigate and prevent criminal and terrorist activities, secure borders, protect critical infrastructure, and thus keep people safe.
Prevention of criminal conducts through identifying and tracking suspicious behaviors in a proactive manner.
Providing reliable intelligence for investigating criminal cases, as well as finding and apprehending the suspects.
Sophisticated analytics based on massive data from mobile networks identifies suspicious patterns.
Our solution: Eunomia™

Criminals quickly adapt to new digital technologies. Every mobile device leaves a digital footprint that can be traced back to suspects – in real-time and historically.
Eunomia Intelligence Center is a state-of-the-art intelligence software that enables locating, tracking, detecting and investigating criminal and security threats.
The technology behind our platforms
Our innovative technology brings a new dimension to intelligence and analytics. By leveraging data from different mobile networks, we enable accurate estimations of mobile devices’ positions across geographic locations over different time spans.
The data can be used to perform advanced analytics such as detecting deviant and suspicious conducts, finding criminal elements and reverted investigations that connect devices to geographical locations and events to support courts of law.
Different powerful modules support different intelligence missions; from situational awareness to associations and behaviors.
Applicable on both state and nationwide (federal) levels, fully scale-out redundant architecture, with capacity expansions upon demand.
Dynamic architecture
Mobile network agnostic customization capabilities to support multi-operator, multi-user and multi-data-source integration.
Easy-to-use and flexible user interface with embedded user manual and training material.
Two-factor authentication and role-based access to protect data integrity. All integrations are made over secure channels.
History logs
The system has an audit log capability that ensures full visibility and traceability of every user activity.

Take charge now
Do you want to know more about Xolaris’ state-of-the-art security solutions? Contact us for product specifications, business inquiries, demos or to book a meeting.
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